The Stork Project team is pleased to announce a new release 2.0 of the Stork Data Placement Scheduler.  For more general information about

Stork, see the Stork home page:


Stork release 2.0 -Current Version - Release Date - 10/11/2010


This release of Stork 2.0 includes the following features

1. Estimation service which works with GridFtp protocol

2. Optimization service for GridFtp protocol

3. Implementation of Stork log that can retrieve user log from server side to client side

4. Added support for SRM transfer Modules

5. Upgraded Stork to support until GCC version of 4.4

6. Upgraded Classads library to version 1.0.9

7. Reorganized stork directory structures which includes now tmp and log folders

8. Stork Usage statistical collector 

9. More locations added for searching default config file locations

10. GSI credential temporary storage location moved to local stork installation directory from /tmp

11. Revised User Manual


Bug fixed from version 1.2.1


1. Fixed segmentation fault with file-file transfer module

2. iRODS - Problem of appending Junk character at the end of file name fixed 

3. Renamed a few files to fit in with the naming scheme and updated the Imake file accordingly

4. Fixed the old way of generating stork_config with configure and instead opted to use sed to generate stork_config

5. Fixed the problem of arguments passing to globus transfer module


Stork release 1.2.1 fixes some bug in version 1.2.0


1. File to File data transfer module appends random character at the end of file name after transfer completes successfully. 

2. Support for creating symbolic link ln-t removed due to non support from many unix versions.


The Stork Project team is pleased to announce a new release 1.2.0 of the Stork Data Placement Scheduler.  For more general information about

Stork, see the Stork home page:

For any questions or suggestions, please email your questions to our support team at

This Stork release includes many new features:

* First stand alone version release

* Support for MAC OS users

* Pre-Compiled Binaries are available for 20 different platforms and architectures

* Source code release with optional externals support

* Support team to answer your questions

* Externals supported by stork are Globus, OpenSSL, iRods, Petashare, SRB 

We strive to ensure that all Stork releases are fully functional, and look forward to collaborating with Stork users to develop this unique tool into production-quality software. 
